I want to dedicate this blog to all of the wonderful people who took time out of their weekend to help me move to a new residence.
You may be asking, why the home? Well, my husband and I rented a home here in Abilene and had lived there for almost a year. A couple of months ago, we were notified that the owners of the property were moving back to Abilene and they wanted their house back! Needless to say, I was upset and it was quite interesting trying to find a new place to live.
You may recall from my last blog that inconvenient things seem to happen when my husband leaves town....well, here's one more thing to add to the list. It just so happened that the weekend we had reserved to move into the new house, my husband was gone! Perfect, right?? Well, just when it seemed that the move was going to be impossible, my husband's co-workers came to my rescue.
I couldn't believe the number of people who showed up to help while my husband was gone. The amazing thing about the individuals who came to my aid, was that some of them don't even know my husband or me...they came just because we are members of the Air Force faimly.
I must admit, back when my husband and I became engaged, I was a little skeptical of the whole "military family" thing. Now, I can honestly say that it is true...the military is a family and they are there for each other no matter what.
So, here is a special thanks to all who helped me this past weekend. Thank you to those who organized and found people, thank you to everyone who gave their time and efforts to help.
You are all wonderful!!