Monday, March 14, 2011


Air Force pilots go through tons of training before being stationed at their first, long-term base. More often than not, the friends made in pilot training stay with you until everyone moves on to their first active squadron, and sometimes you even stay together there.

Some very good friends of ours were sent to a base in Japan upon completion of training about two years ago. In fact, my husband and I were almost sent there ourselves. When the earthquake and tsunami impacted the country, our thoughts immediately went to our friends. Thankfully, the base and everyone on it are safe but this was certainly a wake-up call.

Please keep Japan and its residents in your thoughts and prayers as this disaster continues to unfold. I urge you to appreciate your loved ones and stay in touch with friends and family. Too many times, we are wrapped up in our own lives and don't make time to call someone or write a quick email...but you never know when something as devastating as what happened in Japan could happen to us.